“Building Communities”

Co-Chaired by Richard W. Pound and W. David Angus, the final phase of the Capital Campaign aims to complete the renovation of our heritage building. Learn more

Latest News

Our Programs and Services

Come visit our computer centre, library stacks and reading room during our public hours.

Mask wearing is not compulsory but is encouraged.

Our schedule of events is in the column on the right.

For information and help borrowing, please contact our Head Librarian, Roxann Fournier-Hoyt, or the librarian on duty.

Email: rfhoyt@atwaterlibrary.ca

Phone: 514-935-7344

Library catalogue: https://atwater.insigniails.com/Library/Home

Our eBooks and eAudiobooks are always available:



Thanks to generous sponsors, donors and bidders, our Online Auction was a big success.

We encourage supporters who haven’t already contributed to donate through CanadaHelps online.

We depend heavily on donations for our vitality.

Our New Elevator

We invite you to watch a short video showing the accessibility upgrades completed during the closedown. Join the men in charge of our construction for a tour. Enter through the new accessible door by Tupper Street and ride in our beautiful new elevator to the upper floors.


Engaging Seniors with a Story to Tell!

In the summer of 2020 we started a year-long project to engage seniors in creatively documenting and sharing accounts of important life experiences. Our tech-savvy team have patiently guided participants in using digital technology for text, still photos, art, audio and video – all the coaching online because of the pandemic.

The project participants are exhibiting their works to the public in the Spring of 2021. Stay tuned for details of the showcase events.

We have wonderful partners, including Concordia University’s engAGE and Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling, the Montreal West Public Library and Suoni Per Il Popolo.

For more information, please contact our project coordinator, Eric Craven, at eric@atwaterlibrary.ca.

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