1200 Atwater Ave., Westmount, Québec H3Z 1X4
In Person and By Zoom: COSMIC HISTORY – 17-year-old writer and science communicator Nathan Hellner-Mestelman discusses his new book The Language of the Stars: The Scientific Story of a Few Billion Years in a Few Hundred Pages. To REGISTER and get the Zoom link, click here.
In Person and By Zoom: BOOK TALK – For the Atwater Library Lunchtime Series, award-winning writer Helen Humphreys discusses her most recent book, Followed by the Lark, in which she imagines the life of Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862), the New England naturalist, poet and essayist. To REGISTER and get the Zoom link, click here.
In Person Only: KNITTING and CONVERSATION – Join Margaret Black in our Bookshop for knitting and conversation. Bring your own knitting. Everyone welcome. For info, please email lverge@atwaterlibrary.ca.
In Person Only: The Atwater Library Book Club, led by writer Mary Soderstrom, discusses The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Díaz.
In Person Only: CONCERT – For the Atwater Library Lunchtime Series, singer Barbara Lewis performs songs and tells stories celebrating creativity at all ages: “IMAGINE THIS!”.
In Person and By Zoom: WWII INTERNMENT OF JEWISH REFUGEES – For the Atwater Library Lunchtime Series, Ian Darragh discusses the experiences of Jewish refugees to Canada, who were treated as enemies and imprisoned in internment camps during World War II. To REGISTER and get the Zoom link, click here.
In Person and By Zoom: ANTIQUE POSTCARDS – For the Atwater Library Lunchtime Series, John Gallop talks about his many years collecting, buying and selling postcards, and shows some rare and exotic ones. To REGISTER and get the Zoom link, click here.
In Person Only: DROP-IN TECH HELP – Quick help for using devices, for free. Tips and resources for improving digital literacy skills. Adair Auditorium. First come, first served. No advance registration. For info: connect@atwaterlibrary.ca.
In Person Only: The Atwater Library Book Club, led by writer Mary Soderstrom, discusses Do You Remember Being Born? by Sean Michaels.