1200 Atwater Ave., Westmount, Québec H3Z 1X4
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(in alphabetical order)
Book of the Little Axe / Lauren Francis-Sharma, Robin Miles audiobook |
Clytemnestra / Costanza Casati Fic Cas |
The Color of Love: A Story of a Mixed-Race Jewish Girl / Marra B. Gad BLK Bio G123c |
Eight Strings / Margaret DeRosia Fic DeR |
Fire Rush / Jacqueline Crooks BLK Fic Cro |
Gaslit: The Complete Limited Series DVD Fic Gaslit |
I Will Find You / Harlan Coben MYS Fic Cob |
Kim: A Novel Idea / Frankie Barnet | |
Pineapple Street / Jenny Jackson Fic Jac |
Vacationland / Sarah Stonich ebook |
The Wager: A Tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny and Murder / David Grann 910.9165 G759w |
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(in alphabetical order)
Colonel Parkinson In Charge: A Wry Reflection on My Incurable Illness / François Gravel; translated by Shelley Pomerance Bio G775c |
Enchantment: Awakening Wonder in an Anxious Age / Katherine May audiobook |
Even the Dead / Benjamin Black MYS Fic Bla |
Eyes on the Horizon: My Journey Towards Justice BLK Bio H747e |
Make Something Wonderful: Steve Jobs in His Own Words / Steve Jobs & Leslie Berlin ebook |
Scorched Grace / Margot Douaihy MYS Fic Dou |
Tahara DVD Fic Tahara |
We All Want Impossible Things / Catherine Newman Fic New |
When We Were Birds / Ayanna Lloyd Banwo BLK Fic Ban |
Wild Hunt / Emma Seckel SC Fic Sec |
The Locked Door / Pierina Procino Di Zazzo MYS Fic Di Z |
Plenum: The First Book of Deo / Geoffreyjen Edwards QWF Fic Edw |
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(in alphabetical order)
12 Weeks to a Sharper You: A Guided Program / Sanjay Gupta 153.4 G978t |
Annika DVD Fic Annika 1 |
Hello Beautiful / Ann Napolitano Fic Nap |
A Killing of Innocents / Deborah Crombie MYS Fic Cro |
Leaving Eastern Parkway / Matthew Daub audiobook |
The Mountain Master of Sha Tin / Ian Hamilton ebook |
A Necessary Evil / Abir Mukherjee SC MYS Fic Muk |
Portraits of Hope / William Brock 779.092 B864p |
Stone Blind / Natalie Haynes Fic Hay |
The Tempest: Poems / Ilona Matonfi QWF 811.6 M |
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(in alphabetical order)
Generation Dread: Finding Purpose in an Age of Climate Crisis / Britt Wray 155.915 W943g |
Hold My Girl / Charlene Carr BLK Fic Car |
The House You Were Born In / Tanya Standish McIntyre 811.6 S785h |
Iceland is Melting and So Are You / Talya Rubin QWF 811.6 R896i |
Magpie Murders DVD Fic Magpie |
The Mitford Affair / Marie Benedict eBook |
Mushrooming: The Joy of the Quiet Hunt / Diane Borsato 579.6 B738m |
The Mystery of Right and Wrong / Wayne Johnston Fic Joh |
Trespasses / Louise Kennedy Fic Ken |
Whale Fall / Ann Lambert Audiobook |
Wolf Pack / C.J. Box MYS Fic Box |
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Go here for eBooks and eAudiobooks only.
(in alphabetical order)
After the Funeral / Agatha Christie, John Moffatt, et al. Audiobook |
Cold Snap / Maureen Jennings MYS Fic Jen |
A Good True Thai / Sunisa Manning ebook |
How to Stand Up to a Dictator: The Fight for Our Future / Maria Ressa Bio R429h |
Invisible Sea: Poems / Kevin Bushell QWF 811.6 B978i |
The Menu DVD Fic Menu |
Montreal and the Bomb / Gilles Sabourin 355.825 S113m |
Red Winter / Marc Cameron; Tom Clancy Fic Cam |
Wabanaki Modern – Wabanaki Kiskukewey – Wabanaki Moderne: The Artistic Legacy of the 1960s Micmac Indian Craftsmen– Ta’n Koqoey Naqtmuksi’kɨpp 1960ekk Mi’kmewaqq L’nu’k ta’n Natawiteka’tijik– L’héritage artistique des Micmac Indian Craftsmen des années 1960 / Emma Hassencahl-Perley & John Leroux IND 709.71 H348w |
The White Hare / Jane Johnson Fic Joh |