1200 Atwater Ave., Westmount, Québec H3Z 1X4
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(in alphabetical order)
After the Funeral / Agatha Christie, John Moffatt, et al. Audiobook |
Cold Snap / Maureen Jennings MYS Fic Jen |
A Good True Thai / Sunisa Manning ebook |
How to Stand Up to a Dictator: The Fight for Our Future / Maria Ressa Bio R429h |
Invisible Sea: Poems / Kevin Bushell QWF 811.6 B978i |
The Menu DVD Fic Menu |
Montreal and the Bomb / Gilles Sabourin 355.825 S113m |
Red Winter / Marc Cameron; Tom Clancy Fic Cam |
Wabanaki Modern – Wabanaki Kiskukewey – Wabanaki Moderne: The Artistic Legacy of the 1960s Micmac Indian Craftsmen– Ta’n Koqoey Naqtmuksi’kɨpp 1960ekk Mi’kmewaqq L’nu’k ta’n Natawiteka’tijik– L’héritage artistique des Micmac Indian Craftsmen des années 1960 / Emma Hassencahl-Perley & John Leroux IND 709.71 H348w |
The White Hare / Jane Johnson Fic Joh |